Every once in a while some yucky has to come out. And while trying to put on a brave face for the kids- sometimes I just have to let it out. This weekend had some things I thought I was ready for happen and turns out I wasn't and it was eye opening to see I wasn't really ready and yet sad to know I wasn't ready yet. I've been really trying to get a job and working my butt off to make that happen and yet I am finding very little success- yes me and the rest of the world, I know.
For a combination of reasons- not one specific comment sent me into a tail spin today. I was reminded of what I once had held very dear, and how special, and full of love that was- I thought I was wrong that it had disappeared forever but to see it today- took me by surprise and frankly so did my emotional release.
I've been walking the dog trying to get in some much needed exercise. I've started to enjoy our walks- about 30 minutes- I am trying to work up to an hour and also including the Wii Fit in once or twice a week. The only issue the walking is creating is a deep pain inside the gluteus muscle- really deep. So I have been not sleeping thats how much it hurts. I know I have to get in some exercise -whatever is going on I am thinking that weight loss will help.
I am still working on my friends stole- I dont know what I was thinking that I was halfway finished!
1 day ago
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